Monday 17 January 2011

Time is running out to volunteer for London 2012

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There's a lot of truth in the saying: "if you want somebody to help you with something, ask a busy person."

So here's a reminder to all of you busy people who haven't had time to volunteer for the Olympics, the deadline to apply is midnight TONIGHT.

I'm reminding you because several friends of mine recently were almost caught out by the speed of which the application process has raced by. I'm pleased to say they have now got on the London 2012 website and filled in the application form.

I know they will make great volunteers because they are highly intelligent people with professional skills. But they are also heavily involved in sport and other activities and will know exactly how the competitors are feeling just hours before a race.

They will know how the athletes will be completely in the sporting "zone" and they will know how to help them through those decisive moments.

I've mentioned in my blog before that I believe the volunteers are crucial to the 2012 Olympics being a success. They are the people whom many visitors from around the world will remember when they leave the Games.

I'm not convinced that London 2012 have got their volunteer programme completely right.

I want to see more under-18s involved and, as I've said before, I think there should be more financial support for travel and accommodation to make sure people from around Britain get the chance to volunteer.

I will keep pressing 2012 and their sponsors to find ways of making this happen. In the meantime, I would encourage people from around London,the south east and from around the UK to volunteer.

Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to play a role in what has the potential to be the most exciting event in this country during our lifetime.


Tostao Frank Rijkaard Jose Luis Chilavert Kevin Keegan

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