Wear red and join fellow Cornellians and their families in Richmond as Cornell?s Ivy League Defending Champions compete in a Holiday Tournament hosted by Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). The Big Red take on the University of New Hampshire in the opening game.
Tournament format and plans for a Cornell reception on opening night are as follows:
VCU Holiday Tournament Schedule:
Wednesday, December 29, 5:00 pm: CORNELL vs. NEW HAMPSHIRE and VCU vs. WOFFORD.
Thursday, December 30, 5:00 pm: losers vs. losers and then winners vs. winners.The Cornell Club of Central Virginia (CCCVA) will be hosting a post-game reception for the team together with players? families, alumni, current Cornell students and their families on December 29th. According to the Club?s President, Tracy Ruff, this event will support visiting CU athletes while building loyalty and enthusiasm for Cornell among alumni and current students in Central Virginia?an area with a fairly large alumni base that, due to its distance from the Ithaca campus, rarely has the opportunity to host Cornell groups. Tracy Ruff can be reached at twwink@comcast.net.
Gary Thompson of CCCVA provides the following additional information on the Club?s plans for the game and reception. Final details with a link for online registration will be sent through an e-blast to all regional alumni soon. Interested CCW members can contact Gary to make sure they get the word and can get tickets in the Cornell Section.CCCVA?s plan is to host a reception at the VCU arena after the CU/UNH game on Wednesday 12/29 for the team, player?s families, coaches and CU alumni and friends. They expect to offer a buffet (with free soft drinks/ cash bar) and a game ticket in the Cornell section?price will be $10 (for the reception and a one-day ticket covering both the CU/UNH and VCU/Wofford games on Wed), or $20 (to include the reception and a 2-day ticket in the CU section for all 4 games on Wed. and Thurs.); and hope to offer the reception and a 2-day ticket free for current Cornell students.
Source: http://cornellbasketball.blogspot.com/2010/12/cornell-clubs-head-to-vcu.html
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